Vivian Nova

Vivian Nova

Born today! Welcome, Nova, and Congratulations to Ken, Karen and Xak.

Lots of my friends are having babies this winter, but Nova is the only baby girl. I’m all in favor of gender-neutral childhoods, and there’s no reason in the world why baby Xak (or Ira, Sam, Sean, etc.) shouldn’t have tea parties with me, and I’m sure Nova will love trains, dinosaurs, and Spiderman just as much as any other red-blooded American girl. But still. “My girls” are already big girls, and I’m looking forward to a certain amount of baby-girl fussing with fairies and frills. (And trains!)

Nova’s birthday horoscope!
Nova is a Sagittarius, just barely. One day later and she’d be a Capricorn!


Optimistic and Good-humored
Honest and straightforward
Love freedom and travel; Sometimes restless – Sagittarians don’t like to be tied down or constrained

The centaur symbolizes mankind’s dual nature as an intellectual creature (the human half) which was also a physical animal (the horse half).

December 20 people are fascinated with the world and new experiences. They are able to deal with defeats and delays in a positive manner and are always ready to try again. Family relationships have importance for December 20 natives; they feel most complete when part of a group. December 20 people eat what they want, exercise when they please, and generally do their own thing. They can thank their positive attitude for their health and vitality. People born on this date usually choose a career that allows them to use their curiosity and psychic intuition (they have great wisdom and sensitivity). They are unlikely to be interested in money, but may choose a career that pays for travel.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

The Sun in harmonious aspect to the Moon in your Solar Return chart is a pleasant aspect, suggesting that your different needs are not in competition with one another this year: your inner needs can be met by external events, and vice versa.

You are likely to be on top of your game this year for the most part, and positive connections with others can be made fairly easily. A comfortable level of personal popularity helps keep conflict to a minimum. With a growing ability to handle your emotions successfully, there will be less stress on both your mind and body. Work you have done in the past begins to pay off — not necessarily in dramatic ways, but in small, measurable ways. In the coming year as well, little changes will add up to major improvements over the long haul. In times of trouble SCORPIO makes a good healer.

Free Will Horoscope:

The Amazon is the second longest river in the world, and has such a voluminous flow that it comprises 20 percent of all river water in the world. And yet there is not a single bridge that crosses it. I love that fact. It comforts and inspires me to know that humans have not conquered this natural wonder. Which leads me to my advice for you this week, Sagittarius. Please consider keeping the wild part of you wild. It’s certainly not at all crucial for you to civilize it.

Proceed on the hypothesis that cultivating joy can make you a more ethical and compassionate person. Imagine that feeling good has something important to teach you every day.