Trip North; Day 1

Trip North; Day 1

Best of the road from NC to NJ:

1. At a toll booth – the guy collecting money mumbles, “Odd’s Bob. Atilla.” (??)

2. The Econolodge is right across from a v. scenic abandoned “transfer station” for the Western Union… we imagine stagecoaches.

3. Spent many miles speculating about the origins of the term Cackalacky. Internet search at the Econolodge turns up the following results.

ps – overheard from my parents’ side of the room:

“Did you get the Hindu?”
“I think Queen Isabella knows about Hinduism.”
“Who’s that white person over there?”
“I didn’t go over there, because of the bear.”

Yeah, they’re playing Civilization on the laptop….

My parents are so cute.